1. Brief Introduction
1450mm four roller reversing cold rolling mill is in the normal temperature state, will be pure titanium or titanium alloy sheet or coil, as if the main road rolling, rolling into all kinds of specifications with the required thickness, surface roughness of cold rolled sheet or coil
2. Technical specification
1).The performance of steel
Material: industrial pure titanium TA3, TC4 (Ti-6Al-4V)
Material properties: TA3: B = Sigma 500MPa; sigma delta is not less than 20% s=380 ~ 550MPa;
TC4: 895MPa s=830MPa B = sigma sigma delta = 10%;;
2) Raw material specification
Sheet size:
weight: 102 kg
width: 850 ~ 1250mm
thickness: 3 ~ 6mm
3).Finished product specification
Sheet size:
Width: 850 ~ 1250mm
Thickness: 0.5 ~ 0.8mm
Plate length: 1000 ~ 6000mm
4).Product accuracy
Longitudinal thickness deviation: thickness less than 0.5mm, the allowable deviation of + 0.04mm
When the thickness of the plate is 0.5mm ~ 0.8, the deviation is allowed.
Roughness: less than 10mm/m
Camber plate: less than 2mm/m
3.Main technical data
Max rolling pressure: 1500 tons
Max rolling speed: 1200 m/min
Wear speed: 30m/min
Work roll size: diameter 390 / 350 * 1450 mm
Roll size: diameter 1250 / 1150 * 1450 mm
Frame column section: (monolithic 90 ~ 55 * 65=3575 cm - 100t)
Max opening degree of working roll: 30mm
Work roll positive / negative bending roll force: +2200 / kN -1200 (double side)
General hydraulic transmission system pressure: 15 Mpa (working pressure)
Balance bending roll system pressure: 25 Mpa (working pressure)
System pressure: 25 Mpa (working pressure)
Main mill motor power: kW N=1500 x 2