Hebei Moran Environmental Protection Technology.,Ltd is one of main metallurgical equipment factory in China. our products include new and used steel and aluminum rolling mill,2hi 4hi 6hi 8hi to 20 hi rolling mill machine, skin pass mil, tension leverler, tension leverler and skin pass mix mill, caster, steel coating line, pickling line ,annealing furnance,grinder, and other related equipment and its parts.our machine has been exported to many country and enjoy a very good reputation among our users.
for more detail pls contact us
The ME-4A cold rolling mill emulsion oil is used for the cold rolling mill that process above 1000mm width coil and finished product thickness around 0.2mm.
Specialty lubricants designed to handle the extreme light gauges during tin cold rolling while maintaining the high cleanliness standards needed for further downstream processes. These products contain a range of base
industrial lubricants that include synthetic and natural esters and a variety of delivery systems depending on the specific system requirements.
Synthetic Rolling Oils
Designed for both sheet and tin rolling operations. High performance synthetic ester-based rolling oil developed for high lubricity applications with excellent cleanliness after annealing and galvanizing lines premium esters offer exceptional lubrication and evaporative qualities. The cationic emulsifier package provides a high level of
consistent and even wetting, as well as, superior iron fines handling
Semi-Synthetic Rolling Oils
Designed for both sheet and tin rolling operations. The cationic emulsifier system is flexible for
optimum performance at a broad range of concentrations. It is used to maximize rolling performance as well as provide good burn-off in annealing. This formula has been designed to be compatible with downstream processes in tinning, hot dipped galvanizing, and batch annealing.