Hebei Moran Environmental Protection Technology.,Ltd, one of leading cold rolling machine factory in China. our products include steel and aluminum rolling mill,2hi 4hi 6hi 8hi to 20 hi rolling mill machine, skin pass mill, tension leveler, tension leveler and skin pass mix mil, caster, steel coating line, annealing furnace, grinder, and other related equipment and its parts. our machine has been exported to many country and enjoy a very good reputation among our users.
1. Brief Introduction of 1450mm 20-Hi Cold Rolling Mill/Cold Rolling Machine Technical characteristics of the equipment completely in order to meet the customer requirements regarding to deformation of stainless steel rolling and design centralized equipment, the current industry advanced rolling technology, and combined with extensive experience in the project of our cold rolling mill, through the rational allocation to ensure that the equipment can meet the requirements of the product thickness precision and flatness precision.
2. Main technical data
1).Raw material specification:
Material: carbon / low alloy steel /200300400 series stainless steel / silicon steel
Material properties: less than 1000 N by S / mm2; b = 1400, N / mm2 o
Thickness: 1 ~ 3.0mm
Width: 800 ~ 1270mm
CD: 610mm
Roll diameter: Max 2200mm
Max roll weight: 28t (including steel sleeve)
2).Product specifications: cold rolling coil
Thickness: 0.08 ~ 1.2mm
Width: 800 ~ 1250mm
Max roll weight: 28T (including steel sleeve)
3.Main technical data
Max rolling pressure: 9000KN
Max rolling torque: m - 66kN
Max rolling speed: min / 500m
Max wear speed: min / 30m
Max coiling speed: min / 540M
Max coiling tension: 400kN
Hydraulic transmission system pressure: 10 Mpa
System pressure: 26 MPa
Roll diameter (New Roll ):
Work roll: 63.5mm. Material: Cr12Mo1V1 hardness: HRC63-65
The first intermediate roll: 102mm.
Material: Cr12Mo1V1
Hardness: HRC61-63
Second: intermediate roll diameter 173mm.
Material: 9Cr2Mo or 9Cr2MoV
Hardness: HRC59-61
Drive roller: 173mm.
Material: 9Cr2Mo or 9Cr2MoV
Hardness: HRC59-61
Backing bearing: diameter 300mm.
Material: Bearing Steel (Shenyang professional bearing factory)
Roll length: work roll 1450mm.
Drive form: s econd middle rollers on both sides of the roll drive.
Coiler diameter: diameter 610 ~ 596 mm diameter (610 mm diameter circle)
Working roll maximum opening (new roll): 25mm
4.Line main motor power
Unit main motor power - DC scheme
Main mill motor: 1100kw total of 2 units
Before and after the machine, the machine has a total of 4 1100kw.