Hebei Moran Environmental Protection Technology.,Corp is one of main metallurgical
equipment factory in China. our products include steel and aluminum rolling mill,2hi
4hi 6hi 8hi to 20 hi rolling mill machine, skin pass mil, tension leverler, tension
leverler and skin pass mix mill, caster, steel coating line, pickling line ,annealing
furnance,grinder, and other related equipment and its parts.our machine has been
exported to many country and enjoy a very good reputation among our users.
The second hand rolling mill is one of our trading action, the propose is helping our clients reach low cost mill in project start. Through our wide market contact and professional tech services remodeling second hand rolling mill production ability. The steps for reach the quality second hand rolling mill. 1, issue the request from with request form as follow model . 2, provide the project rolling mill expected budget. 3, Moran Tech will through open market looking for target rolling mill, when received qualified rolling mill will build quotation and rolling mill condition report. 4, confirmed the tech detail and upgrading plan. 5, complete disassembly and shipment. 6, installation and complete upgrade in client's location. PS: because the second hand rolling mill is one uncertain resource, so the Moran Tech cannot guarantee will reach the information on limited time, so based on mill reliability and timeliness we still suggest our client consider new build rolling mill in first place.
we also can customize for users according to their detai requirement.
If other more detail requirement and specification pls contact for further
Second Hand/Used Hot Rolling Mill on sale
650mm 8 Horizontal 3 Vertical Hot Rolling Mill Production line
750mm 8 Horizontal 3 Vertical Hot Rolling Mill Production line
850mm Full Continuous Hot Rolling Mill (Tandem type)