Hebei Moran Environmental Protection Technology.,Ltd is one of main metallurgical equipment factory in China. our products include new and used steel and aluminum rolling mill,2hi 4hi 6hi 8hi to 20 hi rolling mill machine, skin pass mil, tension leverler, tension leverler and skin pass mix mill, caster, steel coating line, pickling line ,annealing furnance,grinder, and other related equipment and its parts.our machine has been exported to many country and enjoy a very good reputation among our users.
Multi type, multi variety roller bearing chock
We can customize the roller bearing chock according to your requirements
The utility model has the advantages of compact structure, flexible rotation, convenient maintenance, etc., and can accept the comprehensive load and the construction of the special large and extra large type bearing seat.
According to user needs, design and manufacture and equipment matching of rolling mill bearing and solve the bearing seat and accuracy, the structure form, lubrication, and other ills caused by consumption of high and low efficiency of shutdown problem for a long time because of, also our have to complete installation debugging ability and good after-sales service