General Introduction of Cold rolling work roll changing machine
At present domestic and international design and manufacture of cold rolling mill and the work of the whole body of the work roll for the roller device is used for simple or quick change in two ways, the main body of the roller device for car type structure. Can be divided into hydraulic transmission, motor drive and crane hoisting in several ways according to the transmission characteristics of roll changing car.
The crane hoisting way due to the low degree of automation, change and time has been eliminated; Or hydraulic motor driven roller changing device using, not only need to laying corresponding hydraulic lines and cables, and the need to occupy a large space for parking equipment.
Metallurgical plant in temper mill general layout in the cross product of the workshop, temper mill mostly arranged is running in the same direction of the center line of the unit and the crown and the finished cross span is relatively narrow, resulting in the operation side of the unit space is relatively limited, if we adopt the conventional roll change device replacement work roll and intermediate roll, work space of the operation side of the unit will be more narrow.
Therefore, it is necessary to arrange the layout of the device which can realize the automatic quick change of the roller, and not occupy the large space.