Hebei Moran Environmental Protection Technology.,Ltd, one of leading cold rolling machine factory in China. our products include steel and aluminum rolling mill,2hi 4hi 6hi 8hi to 20 hi rolling mill machine, skin pass mill, tension leveler, tension leveler and skin pass mix mil, caster, steel coating line, annealing furnace, grinder, and other related equipment and its parts. our machine has been exported to many country and enjoy a very good reputation among our users.
we also can customize for users according to their detail requirement. pls refer to the last picture contact us for more
Type: demolition work roll roll machine,Support rollers split roller machine
Production specifications: demolition work rolls used to roll car disassembly six roller mill 900 to 1450 six roller mill work roll and intermediate roll chocks. Split roller bearing rollers can be used to drive six-high rolling mill disassembly 1250 to 1450 six-high rolling mill and mill rolls.
1. The device itself manufacturing cycle is short, easy to install.
2. The demolition work roll roll cart can implement multiple stations disassembling roll bearing housing.
3. The application of many types of demolition work rolls used to roll car disassembly six roller mill 900 to 1450 six roller mill work roll and intermediate roll chocks. Split roller bearing rollers can be used to drive six-high rolling mill disassembly 1250 to 1450 six-high rolling mill and mill rolls.
4. Control is simple, easy to use, simple maintenance and repair.
5. Working rolls bearing convenient, safe, and can ensure the safety of personnel and equipment roll system. Continuous work is high, it can reduce the assembly personnel, to maximize the improvement of handling roll bearing seat time.
6. The device of all movable components are used hydraulic control, to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the device itself is running.
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